Autor članaka Matific Education Expert

Jump into this new workshop with your children today to learn how valuable a number line can be! Skills: Arithmetic …
Rotational symmetry has never been more fun! Students build deep conceptual understanding by creating their own colorful mandala. Skills: Geometry …
Dor Abrahamson je doktor znanosti i profesor ljudskog razvoja na Graduate School of Education, na Sveučilištu u Kaliforniji, Berkeley. Djeca …
Children have access to powerful mathematical ideas and an inquiring mind. They are ready to take ownership of their own …
Harouna Ba, Ph.D., član Akademskog odbora Matifica, govori o tome kako igra, tehnologija i konceptualno razumijevanje mogu pomoći širenju učenja …
Prof. Raz Kupferman, Chief Pedagogy Officer and Co-Founder of Matific explains what conceptual understanding is and how you can incorporate …
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