Use ESSER funds to get Matific for your school(s)
Use ESSER funds to get Matific for your school(s)
The CARES Act (ESSER I), CRRSA (ESSER II) and the American Rescue Plan (ARP - ESSER III) are aimed at supporting schools, their response to COVID-19, re-opening of schools, and learning recovery.
ESSER III includes approximately $123 billion as a stabilization fund for K-12 education that is distributed through the federal Title I formula for disadvantaged students. Local school districts will receive at least 90% of this stabilization fund, but they must earmark at least one dollar out of every five (20%) for learning recovery programs.
Matific is well-aligned to meet the goals of ESSER:
Learning Loss
Addressing learning loss especially among disadvantaged students, including those living in poverty, learning English, experiencing homelessness, dealing with disabilities, or living in foster care.
*Also includes summer learning & extended day / afterschool programs.
Student Engagement
Ensuring student engagement regardless of the location (remote, in-person or hybrid learning environments)
Evidence-based Activities
Addressing student learning loss through evidence-based approaches and activities.
Education Technology
Funds can be used to purchase educational technology in the areas of hardware, software, and connectivity purchased by the LEA (Local Educational Agency) for students in order to improve interconnectivity between students and their teachers.
Detailed Explanation of the K-12 Funding Request in the American Rescue Plan
Office of Elementary & Secondary Education
What Congressional Covid Funding Means for K-12 Schools