of activities
of math problems solved
of learners
5-star reviews
What teachers say about Matific
“Far more engaging for our students than other online platforms and we like how the questions were adaptive to the students' abilities.”

“Graphics are great! Students are given more than one chance to answer a question and also given help if needed.”

“The information for teachers is easy to gather and the children say it is very engaging and fun.”

Matific works
3rd party studies show proven effectiveness in performance of students

Improves results
Using Matific in the classroom increases student results.
University of Western SydneyDrives Engagement
Teachers recommend Matific to their colleagues and continue to use it in class.
Virginia, USAIncreases interest
Students are more likely to agree that they “want to learn math”.
Tamil Nadu, IndiaA personalized & adaptive learning path
Mathematics activities for year K-6 with a rigorous pedagogy designed by education experts.
Matific Works
Matific's pedagogical principles
Matific's core strength is our 5-point pedagogical principles developed by experts from Stanford, Harvard, Berkley and the Einstein Institute.
Fully integrated into your Education EcoSystem
Matific is your learning companion - anytime, anywhere
Available on
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